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Sabbath School for a New Generation

Among Seventh Day Adventists, Sabbath School is a time for discussion and learning. It is the belief of this site that Sabbath School should be an exciting venue for the discussion of new ideas, instead of rehashing old arguments. So welcome to a virtual Sabbath School, a Sabbath School for a new generation.

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I am an Electrical Engineer, working at Intel in the Portland area. I received my undergraduate degree from Walla Walla College and graduate degrees from the University of Southern California. The views expressed on this website are my own and do not reflect the viewpoints of anybody else. I reserve the right to change my mind at any point in time.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Drop out nation

My wife was watching Oprah today (we TIVO them). This particular show was on the American School system. The statistics are disturbing. Only 70% of students graduate from High School. I had no idea it was this bad. As Adventists we tend to be stuck in our own world. We have our own schools, so why should we care about the public school system. In fact in areas where the schools are bad, the Adventist schools are full to capacity. So we, as a church, have benefited from this.

When I was a student at WWC, I would volunteer at the elementary school behind the girls dorm. I remember they had some budget cuts and had to lay off needed teacher's aids. They couldn't get any of their bond measures to pass in College Place, a town full of retired Adventists whose kids are all grown up. Nobody cared about the quality of the school system there.

If you want to get involved with this problem, Oprah promoted a website in her program which you should check out. This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.